Causes and Treatment for Premature Ejaculation in Men

Premature ejaculation occurs when a person with a penis climax during sex earlier than they or their partner would have liked. People who experience early ejaculation often close before or after penetration and cannot postpone ejaculation. Anxiety and frustration are possible effects of the illness. Because of their premature ejaculation, some people may refrain from having sex. But some treatments can be beneficial. When a guy experiences an orgasm and ejaculates earlier than his partner would prefer during sexual contact, this is known as premature ejaculation. Below mentioned are the causes and treatments for premature ejaculation in men: Causes: Serotonin: Serotonin may be involved with PE, even though the reason is unknown. Your body naturally produces serotonin, which is produced by your nerves. The time it takes to ejaculate lengthens when serotonin levels are high in the brain. Low doses can hasten the ejaculatory period and cause PE. Anxiety: Anxiety and pre...